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Monday 15 August 2011

Leaving Your Pet for Trip? Don't Worry About That!

pets in the trip

When you have a pet and you want to travel for a long time, the first thing you have to think is surely about the pet. Who will keep our pet for us? Who will feed our pet? Those questions are surely the most asked question when we are in this situation. Actually, there are many ways which can be done for solving this problem. It can be so cheap and also it can be so expensive. The first thing which we can do is we can use the service of pet shops. In this case, some pet shops provide pet baby sitting services. Like the name, we can guess that it is about babysitting our pets. Yes! What they do is, keep our pet while we go somewhere for a trip or something. It means that we don’t need to worry anything about our pets. They will feed them, keep their health, and make them clean. In this case, we certainly have to pay some money for their service. The cost will be various according to how long we will do our trip.
The second, we can let our pet join our trip. This way can be the cheapest way but sometimes it can be so difficult. Like dogs or cats, they may not like long trip. It is because they need to be kept in their cages for long time. It can be many hours. They may be bored and start disturbing us. In this case, we have to prepare many things such as a car that can provide more spaces for cages of the pets, the foods, the toys, and so on. One more thing, we have to keep or pay attention to them periodically. They may get something or do something that we don’t know while we drive the car.
The last is, we can keep our pets at home and pay someone to take care of them. This is almost the same to the first way. But, we don’t need to deliver our pet to the pet shops. What we need is we can call the person who is qualified to keep our pet at home. We have to make sure that this person can be responsible and trustful to keep our pet and also our house. Don’t choose the wrong person, or we will get our house messed up and we will lose anything we have at house.

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